Standard Air Ring Gauges

Standard Air Ring Gauges are available in the size range:

6.00 - 50.8mm (0.236 - 2.00in)

They may be bench mounted or connected to the display unit directly or with a 90º adaptor.

They provide a quick, highly accurate way to measure shafts for diameter, parallelism & ovality.
Shafts can be scanned for slight variations, which would be difficult to detect using other means.

Offset jets are available to allow measurements to be made close to the shoulder.

Air Ring Gauge

Std ARG with bayonet connector

Air Ring Gauge dgm1  Air Ring Gauge dgm2

central jet
offset jet
central jet
offset jet
range (max)
mm 6.00 - 9.65 75.4 75.4 28.6 14.3 3.2 0.050
9.66 - 12.86 75.4 75.4 28.6 14.3 3.2 0.100
12.87 - 25.52 75.4 88.1 28.6 14.3 3.2 0.100
25.53 - 38.22 88.1 113.5 28.6 14.3 3.2 0.100
38.23 - 50.80 113.5 113.5 28.6 14.3 3.2 0.100
inch 0.236 - 0.380 2.968 2.968 1.125 0.562 0.125 0.002
0.381 - 0.505 2.968 2.968 1.125 0.562 0.125 0.004
0.506 - 1.005 2.968 3.468 1.125 0.562 0.125 0.004
1.006 - 1.505 3.468 4.468 1.125 0.562 0.125 0.004
1.506 - 2.000 4.468 4.468 1.125 0.562 0.125 0.004